January 2019 Mineral of the Month: Garnet

january birthstone garnet nuggets 


Garnet, the January birthstone, is widely recognized for its red color. But, the stone actually comes in a variety of colors like green and purple. Garnet is formed by a group of minerals that possess a similar composition to crystal. So, while the stone is not technically a crystal, it is still associated with crystals and their healing properties. The stones are best known to represent vitality, passion, and health.  


Red stones are often associated with blood, the heart, and circulation. Garnet, in particular, is said to remove blockages, improve circulation, health, and vitality. Thus, it’s truly a stone symbolizing passion, it can aid and assist in matter of the heart and love. If you are struggling with the loss of someone, or hoping to invite new love in your life, the fiery nature of stone will help you to rekindle that energy and manifest your desires.


Name Garnet is derived from the latin word “granatum”, which means seed, most correlated to the seed of a pomegranate.

Color Most known for red, but can come in green, yellow, orange, brown, pink, purple, gray, and black

Moh’s scale 6.5 – 8.6

Regions Wyoming, Czech Republic, Greece, Russian, Tanzania, Madagascar, Sri Lanka and India

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